
Friday, February 24, 2012

Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers

This recipe came from an online friend. We became acquainted through an online support group, Parent-2-Parent, where I have received a wealth of information and support from other mommas who are going through or have already went through similar situations we are facing with our precious baby boy Weston. We are now friends on Facebook and I love seeing all of her posts and pics about her sweet and cute as a button little girl. Mom and I fixed these while Dewayne was on his annual Florida fishing trip with his family last year. They were absolutely amazing... beyond belief amazing!! Poor mom ate so many she foundered and hasn't ate any since.. over a year later. If I even mention Stuffed Jalapenos, she says no before I can finish my sentence. I ate a ton, but mangaed not to founder. As a matter of fact I wouldn't mind sitting back and watching a good ballgame or race with a few of these make your soul feel good babies every weekend. Well enough of that, here's what you need and what you do.

-20 jalapeno peppers
-1/2 lb. sausage
-1 pkg. cream cheese
-1/2 c. shredded cheese (she prefers sharp or jack)
-40 half strips of bacon

Cut jalapenos in half length-wise and remove the seeds (clean out inside). While you are preparing the peppers, brown and drain your sausage. Stir cream cheese and shredded cheese into hot sausage, combining well. Using a teaspoon, fill each pepper with 1/2 teaspoon of filling. Wrap with 1/2 strip of bacon and place on a foiled lined (nonstick foil) cookie sheet. Cook on 400 for 45 minutes to an hour. They are done when the bacon looks browned.

I might should add that at the end of the recipe she sent, it is stated... Careful though, they are addicting. I found this to be the absolute truth and thought I should do the same for you.

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