
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Omelet (A Really Good Omelet)

I love, love omelets!! I have fixed a few in my lifetime, a few different ways, but had never really fixed a really good omelet. I decided to search for "how to make an omelet". This is what I found... How to Make an Omelet. Let's just say, this is definitely how to make an omelet, a really good omelet. I had quite a bit of goodies on hand that day to stuff my omelet with and it turned out DELICIOUS!!! I have made several really good omelets since.

What you need:
-2 eggs
-2 T. milk
-2 T. butter
-salt & pepper
-fillings (I used ham, bacon, mustard greens, onions and shredded cheese.. I had already cooked & chopped all of my meats and veggies)

What you do:
-Beat the eggs until they turn a pale yellow.
-Melt the butter over medium-low heat in a heavy-bottomed nonstick pan.
-Add the milk to the eggs and season with salt & pepper. Beat like crazy with a whisk or a stick blender with the whisk attachment.
-When the butter is hot enough to make a drop of water hiss, pour the eggs in, don't stir. Let the eggs cook for up to a minute or until the  bottom starts to set.
-THIS IS THE PART WHERE I HAD THAT A HA MOMENT!! I never done this before and my omelets never turned out right. I believe this step is the key to making a really good omelet. Using a heat-resistant spatula, gently push one edge of the into the center of the pan to allow the still liquid egg to flow underneath. Repeat with the other edges, until there's no liquid left.
-The omelet should be bright yellow and easily slide around the pan. If it sticks at all, be sure to loosen it with your spatula.
-Gently flip the omelet over and cook for a few more minutes to make sure there is no uncooked egg left.
-Spoon whatever fillings you choose across the center of the omelet in a straight line.
-Using your spatula, lift one edge of the omelet and fold it across and over, lining the edges up. Cook for another minute or so. Flip the whole omelet over and cook for 30 seconds or so. It says not to let the egg brown, mine did, it was still goooooood!!

I didn't detail as well as the website, so if you need a little more info., just click on the link and go to the site. I'm happy I found this recipe and will be making omelets this way for years to come. ENJOY!!!

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